Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sc. H.C. Mult. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie was born on June 25, 1936 at Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The fourth child of eight children of the couple Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and RA Tuti Marini Puspowardoyo. He was just one year studying at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) because in 1955 he was sent by his mother studied at the Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Honuchscule, Aschen Germany.B.J. Habibie married dr. Hasri Ainun Besari, fourth child of eight children families H. Mohammad Besari, on May 12, 1962, and now they have two sons with five grandchildren.After completing his studies diligently for five years, BJ Habibie received his Engineer Diploma with honors Cum Laude at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Design and Construction Sector Aircraft. Youth Habibie was a very pious Muslim who always fasted on Monday and Thursday. His genius took him obtain Doctoral degree at the Faculty of Engineering Mechanics Insinyiur Field of Design and Construction of Aircraft with honors Cum Laude in 1965.B.J. Habibie began his career in Germany as Head of Research and Development of Structure Analysis Hamburger Flugzeugbau Gmbh, Hamburg Germany (1965-1969). Head of Methods and Technology Division of Commercial and Military Aircraft MBB Gmbh, Hamburg and Munich (1969-1973). Vice President and Director of Technology Gmbh MBB scattering and Munich (1973-1978), senior technology adviser for foreign affairs director of MBB (1978). In 1977 he delivered his oration his professorship on aircraft construction at ITB Bandung.Inspired to serve the nation-building, the 1974 BJ Habibie to return home, when President Suharto asked him to return. He began his career in the homeland as Adviser Government of Indonesia in the field of high technology and aircraft technology that directly responded to by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (1974-1978). In 1978 he was appointed as State Minister for Research and Technology serves as the head of BPPT. He held this position for five consecutive times in the cabinet construction until 1998.Before the people of Indonesia to hold elections in 1997, Habibie told the family and relatives on a limited basis that he planned quit from his position as Cabinet ministers after six ends Development. However, people planning a God disposes. Dated March 11, 1998, the Assembly to elect and appoint BJ Habibie as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia seventh.At the same time, the economic crisis hit Southeast Asia including Indonesia, and it's immediate impact on the political crisis and a crisis of confidence. Kriris turned serious and people start demanding change and the end date of May 21, 1998, President Suharto announced his resignation. In accordance with article 8 UUD 1945, on the same day, before that, BJ Habibie was sworn in office as President by the Chairman of the Supreme Court.President B.J. Habibie, held the post of president for 518 days and during that time, Indonesia under the leadership not only successfully hold elections free and fair the first time on June 7, 1999, but also successfully brought significant changes to stability, democratic and reform.Prof. B.J. Habibie has the medals and national and international honors, including the 'Grand Officer of De La Legium D'Honour, the highest prize from the French government over konstribusinya and industrial development in Indonesia in 1997:' Das Grosskreuz 'highest medal for konstribusinya in German-Indonesia relations 1987; 'Edward Warner Award, the granting of the Executive Board of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1994;' Star of Honour 'Lagran Cruz de la orden del Merito Civil from the King of Spain in 1987. He also received honorary doctorates from several universities, such as the Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK; University Chungbuk Korea and several other universities.During his career, he held 47 positions as Director of the President IPTN Bandung, President Director of PT PAL Surabaya, President Director PINDAD, Chairman of the Batam Industrial Development Authority Area, Chief Director of Strategic Industries (BPIS) and Chairman of the ICMI. Until now, he still served as President of the International Islamic Forum in science, technology and human resources development since 1977, Trustees and Chairman of the Habibie Centre for foreign affairs since 1999.He is also member of several international non-governmental institutions such as the Council of the International Movement since 2002, an NGO consisting of approximately 40 former presidents and Prime Ministers from several countries. He is also a founding member of the International Islamic Society Rabithah 'Nature of Islam since 2001 headquartered in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Of all the organizations mentioned most requested Habbie has become one of the founders of the Association of International Ethics, Politics and Science which was established on 6 October 2003 in Bled Slovenia's membership consists of statesmen and scientists from several countries.Previous activity involved in the project design and the design of aircraft such as Fokker 28, Vehicles Military Transall C-130, Vehicles Aircraft that fly and land vertically, CN-235, and aircraft firefighting N-250. He also includes designers and designers who jlimet BO-105 Helicopter, Combat Aircraft in all directions, some missiles and satellite projects. Prof. BJ Habibie imiah publish 48 works of science in the field of Thermo dynamic, Construction, Installation Air Thermo dynamic.
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